Butschal - Buczacki Ritter von Pisarski


Krzysztof Komorowski

Komorowski, Wappen Ciolek
erwaehnt: 15. bis 19.Jh. Beruf(e): Adlige Gruppe(n): ADLIGE Archiv: Polskie Archivum Biograficzne Fiche: I 227,111-115 Titel der Quelle: Niesiecki [= Kurztitel] Herbarz polski / Niesiecki, Kaspar. - T. 1-10. - Lipsk. - 1839-46

Click here http://members.aol.com/reitwiesne/overflow/udekem.html to see some of the ancestry of Mathilde d'Udekem d'Acoz, Crown Princess of Belgium (b. 1973)...of Komorowski

Maria Karolina , Princess of Poland Leszczynska


Marie Leszczynski, wife of Louis XV, lived most of her married life secluded in a few small rooms at Versailles. Meanwhile, her husband had a succession of mistresses and excluded her from the life of the court. Marie was the daughter of Stanislas Leszczynski, who was placed on the thrown of Poland in 1704 when King Charles XII of Sweden gained this territory in a military campaign. Stanislas was driven from power in 1709 when Swedish forces left the area, leaving him without military support. Stanislas, a king without a country, then wandered from one place of refuge to another, including Turkey and Sweden. In 1725, he was living on the on the charity of the French court in Weissembourg, a little village in Alsace.

Marie Leszczynski was chosen to be the wife of Louis XV over 99 marriageable princesses. The decision in favor of the Polish princess was, in reality, an attempt on the part of the Duc de Bourbon and his mistress, Madame de Prie, to secure power for themselves. They selected Marie due to her extreme poverty believing she would gratefully assist them in controlling the king, as she owed her elevation to their favor alone. Marie Leszczynski was 23 and Louis age 16 at the time they were married. Marie was a very quiet, gentle, and extremely religious person who fulfilled her obligation by having ten children, and provided an heir to the throne. During the first nine years of marriage, Louis was the paragon of husbands, due to his religious upbringing and the ordinary bashfulness of youth. In 1733, at age 25, the king took his first mistress. This relationship was kept secret for four years. In 1737, the Queen had her tenth and last child. From that time onward, Louis treated his wife with frigid courtesy, never speaking to her except when others were present. He paid her short visits every day as a matter of etiquette. Otherwise, they led separate lives. The Queen held her own court in her chambers, receiving guests and carrying out ceremonial functions. When Voltaire and Emilie du Chatelet were at Versailles, Emilie attended the Queen's court and had the high privilege to sit in the presence of the Queen. Marie Leszczynski was deeply religious, and heard mass in the morning and again at one o'clock with all the court. Louis XV preferred the company of his mistresses and Marie was not included in the daily activities of the king's court. In great contrast to Louis, who was bored by everything, the Queen was fond of music, she painted a little, embroidered, and played the guitar and harpsichord. In the evening she dined with a small group of friends who enjoyed conversation and they often played cards. The Queen did not become involved in court intrigues and lived a quiet, peaceful existence. She died in 1768 at the age of 65.

Wawrzyniec Molski

Molski, Wappen Nalecz
erwaehnt: 17. bis 18.Jh. Beruf(e): Adlige Gruppe(n): ADLIGE Archiv: Polskie Archivum Biograficzne Fiche: I 377,208-209 Titel der Quelle: Niesiecki [= Kurztitel] Herbarz polski / Niesiecki, Kaspar. - T. 1-10. - Lipsk. - 1839-46

Helena Psarska


Jakub Molski

Molski, Wappen Nalecz
erwaehnt: 17. bis 18.Jh. Beruf(e): Adlige Gruppe(n): ADLIGE Archiv: Polskie Archivum Biograficzne Fiche: I 377,208-209 Titel der Quelle: Niesiecki [= Kurztitel] Herbarz polski / Niesiecki, Kaspar. - T. 1-10. - Lipsk. - 1839-46

Wojciech Molski

Molski, Wojciech
erwaehnt: 17.Jh. Beruf(e): Adliger Gruppe(n): ADLIGE Archiv: Polskie Archivum Biograficzne Fiche: I 377,262 Titel der Quelle: Swiecki [= Kurztitel] Historyczne pamiatki znamienitych rodzin i osób dawnej Polski : Przejrzal w rekopismie, objasnil i uzupelnil przypisami Julian Bartoszewicz / Swiecki, Tomasz. - T. 1-2. - Warszawa. - 1858-59

Ivan Grigorevich Pisarev

Pisarevy, (Plural) Adelsgeschlecht
erwaehnt: ab 1441 :
Archiv: Russisches Biographisches Archiv Fiche: I 365,4 Titel der Quelle: E4nciklopediceskij slovar' [= Kurztitel] E4nciklopediceskij slovar'. - S.-Peterburg. - 1897-1907 (T. 43-82 [Biografii]) Adelsgeschlecht

Ivanciny-Pisarevy, (Plural) Adelsgeschlecht
erwaehnt: ab etwa 1600
Archiv: Russisches Biographisches Archiv Fiche: I 205,321 Titel der Quelle: Brokgauz i Efron [= Kurztitel] E4nciklopediceskij slovar' Brokgauz i Efron : Biografii. - Moskva. - 1991 ff (v 12 tomjach)